- Entries are by nomination or self-nomination, made via the Nominations page on this website. If there are any issues, please email [email protected].
- Nominees are notified of their entry into an award category. Any additional information required is collected from nominee/nominator by the A+W NZ Dulux Awards 2023 team.
- The Jury select Five Finalists from all nominations in each category, all who are celebrated at the A+W NZ Dulux Awards 2023 Dinner Function, to be held on Saturday 16 September 2023, 6:30pm, in Auckland Central City.
- From these Five Finalists, one Winner in each category is selected and is announced at the Awards Dinner. Each Finalist receives a certificate, and each Winner receives a beautiful cast glass sculpture made by Ainsley O'Connell.
The A+W NZ Dulux Awards support both of the two main aims of this non-profit organisation: visibility and inclusiveness. We are committed to removing as many barriers as possible for as many people as possible, and the awards are structured to lessen the usual reasons that awards are not entered by those active in the field of architecture.
How are the A+W NZ Dulux Awards different from the many other (excellent) awards programmes?
- Entry to the A+W NZ Dulux Awards is via nomination or self-nomination - this circumvents the typical 'modesty' barrier which often prevents entries to awards, as well as providing opportunities to be generous to our peers, mentors and colleagues.
- Entry is free
- The workload associated with awards entries is lessened via the nomination process and online entry
- The A+W NZ Dulux Awards celebrate 'bodies of work', rather than single architectural objects
- Eligibility includes groups as well as individuals
- The A+W NZ Dulux Awards are held triennially, not annually.

Below is a list of A+W NZ members who were not eligible for the 2023 A+W Dulux Awards due to current or past involvement with the Incorporated Society, which may be perceived as a conflict of interest. Please note that some may be in 2026 after ‘standing down’ for at least one awards cycle.
Gina Hochstein
Jaime Lawrence
Katie Simmonds
Lisa McClintock
Arfa Yasin
Kitty Fan
Selena Sager
Anner Chong
Maria Chen
Ysabelle Empiso
Raina Singh
Ornela Priotti
Lindley Naismith
Divya Purushotham
Teresa Munro
Lynda Simmons
Justine Clark (judge)
Craig Moller (judge)
Carinnya Feaunati (judge)
Sarah Treadwell (judge)