Past Other Events

A+W NZ AGM 2020

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Our AGM was held on 27 May 2020, again as an online event.

Wednesday 27th May 2020


You can obtain the AGM 2020 minutes, the AGM Chair Report 2020 and the AGM Financial Report 2020 on the links as highlighted.

The core team and portfolio leaders for 2020-2021 were elected and are as follows:

Co-chairs: Divya Purushotham and Lindley Naismith

Treasurer: Teresa Munro

Secretary: Ysabelle Empiso

Networks: Anner Chong

Events: Theja Jayalath

Research + Archivist: Lynda Simmons

Policy: Kitty Fan

Kaiurungi: The position remains open. (Anyone interested to know
more about it can contact us at [email protected].)

NZIA Liaison: Ysabelle Empiso

A+W NZ Newsletters: Vanessa Coxhead & Wing Chan