Past Other Events


Friday, 15 Feb 2019

There was a wonderful turnout to the NZIA in:situ Breakfast with Betsy Williamson (Canada), Gloria Cabral (Paraguay) & Sadie Morgan (UK), held on Friday 15 February 7-9am.

Friday 15th February 2019

7:00 pm — 9:00 pm

Harbourside Restaurant

$80.00 per head

Conversation flowed as the three speakers roamed the tables, after first responding to questions by Christina van Bohemen.

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A+W NZ are very proud to support the NZIAin:situ Breakfast with Betsy Williamson (Canada), Gloria Cabral (Paraguay) & Sadie Morgan (UK), to be held on Friday 15 February 7-9am.Three of the Keynote Speakers from the conference will be at the relaxed breakfast, which is a public event open to those not attending the conference, as well as those who are. The breakfast with Betsy, Gloria and Sadie is being held at Harbourside Restaurant, and we anticipate a stunning summer morning beside the water, filled with excellent conversation.Harbourside is a short walking distance from the conference venue, Spark Arena.

CPD Points: 10

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From the NZIA website; "This multi-presenter breakfast offers attendees access to a wealth of knowledge and experience that ranges from the implementation of infrastructure projects with nationwide implications in the UK, through multi-generational housing and Canadian design excellence, to the new wave of South American architecture.

Canadian architect Betsy Williamson, co-founder of Williamson Williamson (WWInc), is an enthusiastic proponent of high-quality design that is rooted in detail clarity and creative solutions balanced by focused project management. Betsy, as an advocate for equality in the profession, co-founded BEAT (Building Equality in Architecture Toronto) with other like-minded architects... BEAT is dedicated to the promotion of equality by creating events and web content for the advancement of women in the profession and by providing mentorship, networking and leadership opportunities.

Gloria Cabral from Paraguay practice Gabinete de Arquitectura works on projects with strong environmental and social aspects, such as the Teleton Children’s Rehabilitation Center, a first prize winner at the 2010 Bienal Panamericana. In addition to her practice, she teches at her alma mater, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, and has served as a visiting professor at universities in Panama and Peru.

Sadie Morgan, founding director of Stirling Prize winning UK practice dRMM, is an industry leader playing significant advocacy roles at the highest levels of design and architecture. She is Design Chair for High Speed Two, reporting directly to the Secretary of State, a commissioner for the Thames Estuary 2050 Growth Commission, and, in 2017, was appointed to the role of Mayor’s Design Advocate for the Greater London Authority."

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