Past Other Events

The 2nd TOAST!

Wednesday, 31 Aug 2016

The second A+W•NZ Wellington Toast event is coming up!

Wednesday 31st August 2016

7:45 am — 9:00 am

Field & Green 262 Wakefield Street Wellington, Wellington 6011


The guest for the second Toast event was Christina van Bohemen, NZIA President and Director in the practice Sills van Bohemen, on Wednesday 31 August 2016.

The venue for Toast is Field & Green, 262 Wakefield St, Wellington, opened since 2015 serving European Soul Food. One of the two women behind Field & Green is "formerly a director at renowned healthcare architectural firm Medical Architecture where she oversaw the running of the company across several UK offices and its work on local and international projects."

Tickets were limited to 40, and the first Toast event was sold out, so advised to book via Eventbrite now to avoid disappointment.

5 CPD points per Breakfast.

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors, Warren & Mahoney and Jasmax.

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The second TOAST Breakfast was held on 31 August 2016, and a smooth and positive way to start the day. Director in the practice Sills van Bohemen and NZIA President Christina van Bohemen talked encouragingly about the state of the profession and how things may be changing in the industry. Her vision for incorporating equity issues into Institute policy are very exciting and A+W•NZ are looking forward to working with her on adapting the Parlour Guidelines for a New Zealand context.

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Field & Green is a fantastic venue for the TOAST Breakfast Series - stunning food, well-designed space and overall character - right down to the cutlery selection. Which of course makes for great conversation. A+W•NZ thank Christina for leading the conversation and for an excellent morning in general.

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