LSA is an arts and research based practice, balancing building projects with a role as Professional Teaching Fellow at Waipapa Taumata Rau the University of Auckland. Lynda is a Fellow of the NZIA and is active in the architectural community. The architectural practice LSA has, at various stages, been in suspension 3 times - for travel, raising children, and postgraduate study. Much effort has been put in to achieve a Practice that can operate with flexible hours, due to pursuing these other areas of interest, and Lynda's continued advocacy focus is on support for Part-time (reduced hours) work, without barriers to career advancement. 'I believe the differences in career pathways between all genders of architects can work positively for women. In my case, a traditional pathway has been consciously avoided, which was an opportunity made available during my 'invisible' child-rearing years.' Co-founder and past Co-Chair of A+W•NZ, Lynda is currently the A+W NZ Archivist, Research Leader and Policy Leader.
Interior, Sunnyhills Auckland

Studio & Garden Room
(NZIA Auckland/Northland Region Local Award 2016,
NZIA National Award 2016)