Robin Allison is the initiator and project coordinator of Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood. With a degree in architecture, Robin coordinated the entire development and construction phase of Earthsong, from developing the vision and group agreements around decision-making, group process and eco-design, to managing contracts, budgets and detailed oversight of the construction. Robin is a fellow of the New Zealand Social Entrepreneur Fellowship, and along with the other fellows is profiled in the recently published book "How Communities Heal", available at www.nzsef.org.nz/howcommunitiesheal. Her chapter is available at tinyurl.com/hchallison
Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood
Earthsong is an innovative community-based housing development of 32 homes and common facilities in the suburb of Ranui, West Auckland, that demonstrates leading-edge sustainable design with intensive community involvement.
Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood was a finalist in 2009 in both the World Habitat Awards and UN Habitat Awards.
Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood was a finalist in 2009 in both the World Habitat Awards and UN Habitat Awards.
Year of Completition
initiator and development coordinator