Joanna Merwood-Salisbury is Head of the School of Architecture at Victoria University of Wellington. She holds graduate degrees in architecture and architectural history from Princeton University and McGill University. Her specialist area is nineteenth and early-twentieth-century architecture and urban design in the United States. She also has an interest in the history of interior design practice and pedagogies. She has published widely on the Chicago School of architecture, including Chicago 1890: The Skyscraper and the Modern City (2009); "The First Chicago School and the Ideology of the Skyscraper," in Peggy Deamer Ed. Architecture and Capitalism (2014); and "American Modern: The Chicago School and the International Style at New York’s Museum of Modern Art," in Alexander Eisenschmidt and Jonathan Mekinda Eds. Chicagoisms (2014). She is Book Review Editor (Americas) for the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and a member of the editorial board of AA Files. Her current research focuses on Union Square in New York City as the site of civic celebrations, commemorations, and demonstrations from 1833 to today. Joanna's work has been supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Graham Foundation.
After Taste: Expanded Practice in Interior Design