CLEANCLEANCLEAN & Patchwork Architecture
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Architectural Graduate working for Patchwork Architecture, as well as running my own research based product business CLEANCLEANCLEAN.
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
Is Marriage the ultimate trap? The union itself is merely an act that two decide to do. Even without the bands, vowels or mother in laws - Relationships, they're a commitment, a coming together of two over time. Yet, in this illustrious and tummy tingly thing we call love, how do people begin to feel trapped? Later to search for an escape with secrecy or disdain, another lover, a one way plane ticket. Resenting the invisible threads that bind them together, the mortgage, an electricity bill, “we have mutual friends”. In 1973 Paul Simon sung,"The problem is all inside your head, She said to me, The answer is easy if you, Take it logically, I'd like to help you in your struggle.. To be free, There must be fifty ways, To leave your lover." I believe this can offer an insight. What if there were more ways to exit than there were to enter? My research intends to investigate this trap by looking at how plotting escapes can be used as a mechanism to stay together.