Equity and Architecture

Equity and Architecture

The survey topics below have been identified from your responses to Survey 1 (see results below). These surveys will go live over the remainder of the year - keep checking this page to take the (anonymous) surveys as they are posted, and their results.

Take Survey

Survey Results

Here is an interesting graphic taken from Survey 01, showing that approximately half of female architects stop or suspend their careers at some point.

The survey results will be updated regularly to help give a visual picture of where and how women engage with - or not - the design, creative and construction industries. New surveys will be added, so your comments will contribute to the next survey format. (All information will be presented anonymously.) Thanks to all those who have made very valuable comments so far - hopefully the future surveys will address the many issues raised. Please note each survey will be limited to 10-15 questions, as this keeps them short and sweet

Survey 1 @ June 2012 (first 100 respondents)

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