Past Other Events

Installation on Motu Kaikoura

Thursday, 30 Nov 2017

The Installation Team left on Thursday 30 Nov 2017 by ferry to Kaikoura Island, after the Health and Safety induction for the helicoptor held at Sandspit.

Thursday 30th November 2017 — Sunday 3rd December 2017

Kaikoura Island

(Click here for a more recent update - Motu Kaikoura - The Final Push)

January 2018 Update

A team from SGA, Crate, J R Hosking Carpenters & Co and some of the A+W NZ Workshop Team are heading back to Motu Kaikoura this weekend (19-22 January) to complete the building for the clients can move in. The main tasks are the Deck and the interior cabinetry. Check out this amazing time-lapse taken by SGA of the dis-assemble at Crate Workshop in Sandringham, and installation on Motu Kaikoura, on the SGA Blog.

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Installation - December 2017

The Installation Team left onThursday 30 Nov 2017 by ferry to Kaikoura Island, after the Health and Safety induction for the helicoptor held at Sandspit.

The floor cassettes were barged earlier in the week, and were helicoptored into the site by Thursday evening, ready for the building team to start work. Wall and roof cassettes followed by helicoptor transport the following day.

The team of 21 on the island were from Crate Innovation Ltd, J R Hosking Carpenters & Co, the 16 members of the A+W NZ / SGA building workshop team, and SGA - including of course Dave Strachan and Maria Hosking, the two driving this project. The hard work by all over the last 19 weeks was (literally) put together over the 4 days from 30 Nov to 3 Dec.

There are sleeping cabins and ablutions on the island, managed by the Motu Kaikoura Trust, however there is no kitchen or other facilities so the team had to plan for four days of meals for twenty-one people were prepared witha a single bar-b-que!.That's a major feat in itself - let alone constructing a building as well!

Well done to the whole team, what an amazing 20 weeks this has been.

(images and words supplied by SGA and members of the workshop team.)

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