During Lockdown, A+W NZ set up an online meeting forum so people can come together and discuss the issues facing them — from isolation or loss of income to positive outcomes from flexible hours and working from home, your legal rights or career change options.
With topics defined by the participants, these informal meetings are held on an ad hoc basis, as and when the need or topic for discussion arises. During lockdown and beyond we have been challenged and we have adapted, learnt new skills and sought support for both ourselves and our colleagues. Whatever the situation, there is a real need for discussion at this time so that circumstances can be shared, and skills and knowledge can be strengthened to assist in navigating our profession in the pandemic and beyond. These meetings aim to provide a network of collegial support, and one (of many) ways that we can do that is by exploring a broader context of the state of the profession.
Mentoring Meeting 3:Options in Academia with Dr Julia Gatley and Dr Karamia Muller, Lecturer, School of Architecture and Planning, the University of Auckland.
For so many, the new reality of working from home and juggling family responsibilties with their work environment is just another normal day. Parents and Caregivers (mainly women) have been doing this for years, and we believe the workplace transition into our new Covid-19 lockdown levels can benefit from the knowledge from those for who this is 'just another day at the office'.
So we are encouraging connection, in order to spread the knowledge of this experienced group among the wider groups in our industry. Our Mentoring pages are there for you to connect with each other (without our interference - to link your profile page with the Mentoring page, just go to 'Set My Mentoring Status' on the Mentoring Page.)
We have noticed that the practices that have made the transition easily are those who have already responded to the needs of the workforce for flexible and reduced hours, and those struggling seem to be the practices who have resisted change until now. We hope that both the benefits and difficulties of an entire flexible workforce are recognised and worked through easily, and look forward to renewed and re-structured practice structures as we emerge from the Lockdown levels.
Another way to share your thoughts and experiences is via to our Collecting Stories page, which may help others dealing with similar issues. This can be done by emailing us directly, or via our Survey 07. (Our surveys include everyone - no need to be a member to take them and the broader the survey sample the clearer the picture is that emerges.).