I grew up in Serbia and came to Aotearoa as a rangatahi, spending a lot of my childhood in Te Awakairangi Lower Hutt. My master’s research focused on exploring how architects and rangatahi can collaborate in the design of spaces to activate youth agency. I am particularly passionate about storytelling and the power of audiovisual and immersive tools which enable the sharing of stories. Alongside my collaborator Ellie Tuckey, I established Third Studio, an architectural and urban design consultancy based in Pōneke. We have a particular focus on engaging mana whenua, rangatahi and community groups in empowering and collaborative ways.
Looking For a Mentor
My small business is a few years in and going strong. We're looking to grow our business. I'd like to connect with a mentor to:
- keep learning about networking and business strategy, particularly around how to partner with other industry experts or government agencies.
- learn about any insights mentors may have about working collaboratively with mana whenua, rangatahi and community groups.
- learn about any insights mentors may have about using innovative tech in architectural/urban design practice.