Architecture Graduate Progression to Practice in New Zealand: 1987–2018
23 Apr 2020
Architecture Graduate Progression to Practice in New Zealand: 1987–2018
Haarhoff, E, Boarin, P & Allen, N. (2020) Architecture Graduate progression to Practice in New Zealand: 1987-2018. Research Report, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland, Auckland: New Zealand.
The third instalment of a project initiated in the 1980s by (recently retired) Professor Errol Haarhoff has been released by The University of Auckland. The project measures the progression of architecture graduates from the University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington and Unitec over a 32-year period. An initial survey tracked graduates from 1987 to 1999 and a second survey extended the tracking to 2008. This Third survey in the series, by Errol Haarhoff, Paola Boarin and Natalie Allen, takes the analysis to 2018.
When A+W NZ was founded in 2011, the Haarhoff research (2010) was one of the foundations we relied on, providing data in an un-measured environment. We wrote on our About page "The relationship of Architecture + Women changes throughout the decades, as recent research by Professor Errol Haarhoff, from the Auckland University Architecture School, has indicated" - and we are pleased to update that with the latest research that includes the decade 2008-2018.
The report also includes the first attempt to capture a snapshot of the ethnic makeup of the architectural community in New Zealand.
This is a wonderful continuation of a very important project.
The 2020 report by Haarhoff, Boarin and Allen is available on their Future Cities Research Hub website, supplied with the permission of the authors.
The 2010 report by Errol Haarhoff is available here.
Selected pages from the latest report are featured below:

words by Lynda Simmons