
NZIA creates Ngā Aho position on Board

26 Jan 2017
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The NZIA has created a position on its National Board for a Ngā Aho representative, indicating its commitment to the newly-signed Kawenata ('covenant') between the NZIA and Ngā Aho. The Kawenata signing took place prior to the NZIA National conference In: Situ 2017.

Historically, the relationship between the NZIA and Tangata Whenua has not been a strong one, but many people over many years have worked hard to change this. As NZIA president 2013-14, Pip Cheshire negotiated closely with Ngā Aho to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi and build a stronger relationship. (A 2015 President's Award was given to Rau Hoskins to acknowledge his leadership in bringing kaupapa Māori within the Institute.) Together, Ngā Aho and the NZIA have created a written agreement, in Maori and English. This Kawenata was signed on Thursday 9 February 2017, under the current Presidency of Christina van Bohemen.

A+W•NZ are pleased that this important work has started, and congratulate the many people involved, under the leadership of Kaumatua Haari Williams.

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From the NZIA Bulletin 17 February 2017;

'The NZIA and Ngā Aho signed the Te Kawenata o Rata at a pōwhiri prior to the start of the conference. This signing ceremony was the culmination of a great deal of work by members of both organisations, guided by Kaumātua, Ngā Aho, Haare Williams. The signing is an important milestone and the kawenata will guide and influence the working relationship of the NZIA and Ngā Aho. In the spirit of partnership, both parties have a responsibility for protecting and promoting Māori knowledge and tikanga in the field of architecture.

Both the NZIA and Ngā Aho are keen to see the kawenata travel around the country where it will provide an opportunity for members to meet on a local marae, add their signatures of support and discuss local priorities and issues. We hope to support this with professional development and education on Māori protocols, customs and engaging in design conversations. This offers an opportunity to strengthen members’ confidence when engaging with mana whenua.'
NZIA President Christina van Bohemen

From the NZIA Bulletin 3 February 2017;

"Update on Te Kawenata o Rata
Following on from an open hui of NZIA, Ngā Aho members and other friends of architecture at Waipapa Marae in Auckland on 19 February 2016 a kawenata or covenant between NZIA and Ngā Aho, the society of Māori design professionals, has been agreed.

Next week we are planning an early morning (6.00am) signing ceremony of the kawenata on Thursday 9 February at the Auckland at the Viaduct Events Centre. The opportunity to sign the kawenata ahead of the NZIA in:situ 2017 conference opening is a fitting way to recognise the significant and invaluable input from members to the hui and the smaller working group discussions." Christina van Bohemen.

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Elisapeta Heta

The first Ngā Aho representative is A+W-NZ Co-Secretary Elisapeta Heta, profiled in an ArchitectureNow article (25 January 2017, Editorial).

Elisapeta was interviewed on Radio 531 PI on 26 January 2017, 7:40am and Radio Waatea on 31 January 2017, and at 9:40am on RNZ 12 March 2017, to discuss her role as Nga Aho representative on the 2017 NZIA Council.

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image: David St George, from NZIA