02: Diversity
20 Sept 2018
The Workplace Revolution Series - 02: Diversity
Architecturenz Aug/Sept 2018, pp30 - 39.
Following from the first article in the Architecturenz magazine 01: Flexible Work (May/June 2018), this second installment features A+W NZ Co-Chair Divya Purushotham.
Note regarding a correction:
In the article, Divya is mentioned as being "...a driving force behind the Diversity Agenda, a partnership between NZIA, Engineering New Zealand and ACENZ, which aims to increase the number of women in architectural and engineering practices by 20 percent in the next three years, as well as to push for a more diverse workforce in terms of culture, ethnicity and sexuality." This is not correct, as A+W NZ are not involved with the Institute-led Diversity Agenda programme, except as an interested party to the developing conversation. Credit as the 'driving force' needs to go to Past-President Christina van Bohemen. Architecturenz will publish a correction in the next edition and ArchitectureNow.
Divya was, in fact, the driving force behind the A+W NZ Diversity & Innovation Panel event held in March 2018.
In addition to Divya's contribution to the article, A+W NZ past Co-Chair Elisapeta Heta and A+W NZ member Raukura Turei are also interviewed.
This article has also been published online in ArchitectureNow, 16 October 2018.
The full article is scanned below.