AGM 2024
12 Jul 2024
Our annual AGM was held on the 29th May 2024, in person at the Unserhaus showroom in Parnell, Auckland, and online for our networks outside of Tamaki Mākaurau.
Thank you to everyone who attended online and in person. We are lucky to welcome many new members to our core team!
Changes in the team
Shereena Sumeran joins as Co-Chair, replacing Gina Hochstein who stepped down in December 2023. Jaime Lawrence will be continuing as co-chair alongside Shereena in 2024.
Lisa McClintock has fully transitioned out of the Treasurer role after a long handover period in 2023, and Arfa Yasin will continue to be our Treasurer in 2024.
Eva Nash and Kate Rogan will be taking over the Sponsorship role from Melanie Bourke and Caroline Bartlett.
We welcome Beatrix Hegyi, Nadia Rivai, Shreya Rai, Vanisha Chandiramani, La Marie Fernandez, and Lily Huang as our events sub-group. Yvette Loubser and Kaea Kerkin remain as our Events leaders.
Petra Trousilova joins as the new Website manager from Amandine Paniagua and Wing Chan. We are on the look out for a second member to share this role with her, please get in touch if interested.
Ornela Priotti is our new Networks leader, and Natasha Clayton will be joining Gillian Hatch as our Newsletter co-writer.
Anner Chong is stepping down from the Mentoring portfolio, and Jenny Chen and Kitty Fan will be sharing the portfolio for 2024.
Nadya Chadovich will be taking over the Research portfolio from Lynda Simmons.
Tatiana Gamboa-Castro is our new Archivist, having stepped into the role in 2023 December replacing Lynda Simmons.
Yvette Loubser will also be joining Charlotte Dunning as A+W NZ's NZIA Liaisons.
A huge thank you to our 2023 core team for all their hard work and donated time to A+W NZ. We look forward to continuing working hard with our 2024 team!
Roles still available
We still have roles available if you are interested in joining our team.
Treasurer Assist, Website manager, Policy, Kaiurungi
Feel free to get in touch with us to ask for more details on the role and work we do.
2024 Core Team
- Co-chair: Jaime Lawrence, Shereena Sumeran
- Treasurer: Arfa Yasin
- Treasurer Assist: -
- Secretary: Katie Simmonds
- Events: Kaea Kerkin, Yvette Loubser
- Events subgroup: Beatrix Hegyi, Nadia Rivai, Shreya Rai, Vanisha Chandiramani, La Marie Fernandez, and Lily Huang
- Website: Petra Trousilova
- Networks: Ornela Priotti
- Newsletter: Gillian Hatch, Natasha Clayton
- Social Media: Charlotte Dunning, Selena Sager
- Mentoring: Kitty Fan, Jenny Chen
- Research: Nadya Chadovich
- Policy: -
- Sponsorship: Kate Rogan, Eva Nash
- Archivist: Tatiana Gamboa-Castro
- NZIA Liaison: Charlotte Dunning, Yvette Loubser
- Kaiurungi: -
- Mana Taumata: Sarah Treadwell
2023 Core Team
- Co-chair: Jaime Lawrence, Gina Hochstein
- Treasurer: Lisa McClintock
- Treasurer Assist: Arfa Yasin
- Secretary: Katie Simmonds
- Events: Yvette Loubser, Kaea Kerkin
- Website: Wing Chan, Amandine Paniagua
- Networks/Newsletter: Gillian Hatch
- Social Media: Charlotte Dunning, Selena Sager, Kitty Fan, Kelly Ting
- Mentoring: Anner Chong
- Sponsorship: Melanie Bourke, Caroline Bartlett (nee Edwards)
- Archivist: Lynda Simmons
- NZIA Liaison: Charlotte Dunning, Yvette Loubser
- Mana Taumata: Sarah Treadwell